Mkola Primary school - ZŠ Mkola

LOCATION: Usangu, region Mbeya (savannah 1000 m above sea level, rice-growing area)


The school is the second primary school in Mswiswi. The village is concentrating more attention on the first school and therefore Mkola is developing very slowly. It has 1000 children in 7 classes. Because it is a relatively new school, it has not yet set up effective cooperation between the school, parents and village representatives.

What's already been done :

  • Help with finishing the interiors of the new classrooms - plastering, painting, window frames, grids and nets
  • Electrification of several classes
  • Buying desks
  • Completion of the kindergarten class

The biggest challenges :

  • completion of classes under construction - roofs, floors, plastering, windows...
  • increase in toilet capacity
  • quality source of drinking water - ideally a well
  • start of cooking for children 

We have been supporting the school since 2020



LOKALITA: Usangu, region Mbeya (savana 1000 m n.m., oblast pěstování rýže)


Škola je druhou základní školou městečka Mswiswi. Vesnice soustřeďuje víc pozornosti do první školy, a proto se Mkola rozvíjí velmi pomalu. Má 1000 dětí v 7 třídách. Protože je to poměrně nová škola, nemá ještě nastavenou efektivní spolupráci školy, rodičů a zástupců vesnice.

Co už se podařilo:

  • Pomoc s dokončením interiérů nových tříd - omítky, výmalba, rámy oken, mříže a síta
  • Elektrifikace několika tříd
  • Nákupy lavic
  • Dokončení třídy mateřské školy

Největší výzvy:

  • dokončení rozestavěných tříd - střecha, podlahy, omítky, okna... 
  • navýšení kapacity WC
  • kvalitní zdroj pitné vody - ideálně studna 
  • zahájení vaření pro děti 

Školu podporujeme od roku 2020


Partneři školy

Sidea group

exclusive partnership since 2022
Asante = Thank you!

Co už se podařilo udělat

2024: Completion of two more classes

Darovaná částka: 2000 Euro

What's been done in 2 classes this year: external plastering exterior and interior painting 2 iron doors 14 windows - frames, grids, nets electrification of two classes 15 desks The school continues its development step by step. 800 children are studying here this year. That brings a lot of challenges. Thanks to the…

2023: The nursery shines with newness

Darovaná částka: 2 000 Euro

What´s been done this year : From afar you can tell that something has changed at Mkola. The kindergarten class got a facade. Dark blue and white. window frames, grids and nets against rodent in kindergarten class exterior and interior plastering and painting in kindergarten class sitting mats for preschoolers 15…

2022: Finishing 1st class

Darovaná částka: 630 Euro

Mkola has a donor! Sidea Group from Italy takes care of the school. We originally thought we would work together to support the completion of the toilets that the village started last year, but it turns out the toilets are finished! What's been done this year : finishing first class  window frames, grids, nets…